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What the future holds...

Here you can find out which extensions we are currently working on for JOUO

TOMs for GDPR and NIS2

Quickly and easily generate a TOM automatically with JOUO

TOMs are technical and organisational measures that list all the precautions a company takes to ensure the security of personal data. Documenting the TOMs is mandatory under the GDPR. NIS2 classified companies and companies that work with NIS2 companies are also obliged to take TOMs. In JOUO, you will soon be able to generate your TOMs quickly and easily and export them as a PDF for documentation purposes.

Monitor your supply chain

Keep an eye on the security of your supply chain with JOUO

Unfortunately, the security vulnerabilities of your trading and supply partners can also become your own vulnerability. NIS2-affected companies in particular are obliged to ensure the security of their supply chain. With JOUO, you will soon gain insight into website compliance and thus the security of your partners.

Our affiliate programme

Earn money through other JOUO users

As a registered user, you will be able to send an affiliate link to other users - even with the free version. As soon as one of these users takes out a subscription, you will receive a monthly commission of 10% of the subscription price. 

Add users to your audit

They can see everything and can't break anything in the process

You will soon be able to authorise other users to view all details of the website compliance audit and the recommendations. These can be your consultant, your employees or your technical service provider, for example. However, these users may not edit any information entered on the website or add other users.

Vulnerability notification

We will notify you if new problems arise

As our scan is not carried out once on creation but is updated regularly, we are working on notifying you by email if any new problems have arisen. You should also receive regular reports from us on how your website is performing in terms of compliance.