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for one Audit Preview

  • number of security gaps
  • number of open ports

Our Subscriptions


for monitoring one website



  • full Compliance Audit of a website
  • JOUO Recommendations


customised solutions

On Request

  • full Compliance Audits of  multiple websites
  • overview of all audits
  • JOUO Recommendations
  • vulnerability notifications
  • generate TOMs

Why does JOUO cost anything at all?

Each JOUO Compliance Audit incurs costs, for example for interfaces or servers. Not every Audit costs the same. For example, a website based on just 10 IP addresses is much cheaper than one based on 1,000. The more that needs to be scanned, the more expensive it becomes. Our subscription model ensures that you can carry out an Audit - regardless of its size - without incurring any additional costs.

Automatically create TOMs for your websites!

With JOUO, you can use an interactive form with explanations to create your TOMs (technical and organisational measures) yourself and export them as a PDF. JOUO not only makes it easier for you to create an overview of all the technical components of your website, it also creates a risk analysis based on current measured values. And because the infrastructure of a website can change, you can repeat this process as often as you like.

We offer you to pay for this creation and export once whenever you need it. The prerequisite for this is that you have a Basic or Enterprise subscription.

If you are interested in a costumised Enterprise subscription, we can arrange customised solutions for the quantity and price of TOMs.


to create and export one TOM

On Request